Tuesday, March 26, 2013

S.O.S Participation Semester 2

After the december break i continued to to participate in SOS project. We continued our routine of 5 to 10 minutes of presentation time educating the kids about the different countries around the world as each member of the group from OSC makes a slideshow presentation on a country. It can consist of information about the culture, sports, food, landmarks, history, clothing, festivals, ect ect. To educate the children beyond Sri Lanka is good as it opens there minds up to a bigger world and there knowledge is greater off the countries that are in this world. So its not only based on swimming instead we divide the time for educating and then swimming as we can give them two things to leave with rather then one which can be Fun and Education. Since the first semester i also have noticed some very goog progress from some of the children as they are becoming very confident swimmers in the water and each time they come for a swim they push themselves just a bit further, they also have learned how to feel more comfortable around me as they have learnt to trust me when i teach them something new with swimming and how they could improve there stroke efficiency without loosing energy and so on. Out of this program one of my aims is to have these kids be comfortable and confident in the water as then they are prepared for any future situations that have to involve swimming and they would have also learnt at a young age so they will not have the fear of water in there coming future years.


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